Water testing available onsite or in-store!
Water testing available onsite or in-store!
Many households in the United States get their drinking water from a private well. That is a good thing especially since people can save money out of it. They no longer have to pay for water to drink, as long as the water from the well that they get is safe.
Private wells are not covered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States. They regulate to make sure that the water coming from the systems delivered to our home is safe to drink. So this means there is no guarantee that the water that you get from the private wells is safe.
The United States has one of the safest water supply in the world. But, the sources of drinking water can still get affected and contaminated by a lot of things. Some of them are natural minerals like arsenic or other kinds of chemicals. These minerals are responsible for the malfunction in the wastewater treatment system. It also includes the use of pesticide near the water source. They could also get the water contaminated.
If your drinking water comes from a private well, you need to get it tested. You may conduct it through laboratory testing or an authorized research facility. (Testing is one of our specialties!) In this way, you may know whether drinking water is safe for you and your family.
Your bare eyes cannot see the harmful bacteria, parasites, and infections. This is why water looks and tastes may not be safe to drink.
Regardless of the possibility that you are not becoming ill, your well water may not be unsafe. A few contaminants found in well water can cause long haul health issues. These microorganisms can exist in surface and groundwater supplies.
Certain chemical contaminants found in a water source can cause chronic health issues. That takes a very long time to grow. Constant water testing will determine hazardous water. It will guarantee that the treatment system is treating the water to a satisfying level.
If your neighbors’ well has been tested and observed to be safe, this does not mean yours is safe. The security of your well water relies on many factors. They include surface and underground geology, depth, development of the well and more. The Well water quality can change regularly upon revival/refilling because of the dry season. You have to test your well water and keep all testing outcomes for future reference.
Various aspects should be addressed to keep up a healthy private well, that is, a well which gives 'safe' water:
The more deep-seated your well (800+ feet), the cleaner the water. The CDC suggests having your well water tried for contaminants. They include Coliform bacteria, nitrates, and others for even once every year.
Also, as indicated by freedrinkingwater.com . It is vital to have your well water tested for pesticides, heavy metals, and inorganic mixes before utilizing it out of the blue.
The owners of the private wells are responsible for making sure the water from the well is not contaminated with anything. That it is really safe for consumption.This is why a recommendation that private wells need to be checked every year. They must be checked for the presence of different kinds of problems. They must monitor the cleanliness of the water. It includes the presence of coliform, nitrates, bacteria and other contaminants. They must look for any mechanical problem.Around 15% of Americans depend on well water for drinking. This is according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Polluted well water can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. The harmful contaminants in the water could lead to serious health issues. They include cancer, neurological problems, reproductive problems, and gastrointestinal illness. Contaminants known as nitrates are particularly unsafe for newborn children. They can disorganize oxygen flow in the blood of infants, as per the EPA. Standard testing for contaminants along with different safety measures will help guarantee that well water is entirely safe to drink.
When testing for the quality of well water, there are several indicators. There's a list of contaminants that the tester looks for. The Water Quality Indicators or the WQI test will test and measure the presence of germs and other pollutants in the water.The presence of these water quality indicators does not always mean that your well water will cause sickness. But, authorities test for them because it is easier to examine their presence. Also, it is because it can also show the presence of other disease-causing bacteria and sewage. They may come from animal or human feces.So when should you have your well tested for the presence of contaminants or other problems? You have to check your well to ensure that it does not have any mechanical problems every spring. You need to have it tested every once a year. Tests, like pH level, total dissolved solids, nitrates and for total coliform bacteria. If you are suspecting your well may have other contaminants, then you have to make sure and get a test for that as well. But you have to make sure you have identified a potential problem since the testing will cost you money. Before getting your well tested, you can consult a local expert. The first thing that you should concern about is the local water contaminants.
Groundwater isn't 100% pure water. It gathered in the modest pore spaces inside sediments and the cracks inside the bedrock. Groundwater contains some broken down minerals. There are many normally appearing microorganisms in groundwater.
As indicated by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA), most waterborne microorganisms are safe. Many are useful. A few, be that as it may, are pathogenic. Microbes, for instance, are from the intestinal tracts of individuals and warm-blooded creatures. For example, E. coli can cause ailment and death.
These pathogens may enter groundwater through septic tank flood. Another way is through contaminated runoff from forests, fields, and feedlots. Routine testing of the private well must be done. Chemical disinfection is basic to keeping a safe private water supply. Also, one must maintain a strategic distance from the damage of pathogenic organisms. Disease with E. coli, for instance, can bring stomach distress, diarrhea, serious sickness, and even death.
If ever you find out that your well water becomes contaminated, then don’t worry that much. Shutes Water Systems has your back! Call us today! - A Filtration System A water filter is a device that you can use to remove many kinds of contaminants and impurities from your drinking water. A water filtration system could either use a chemical, a biological process or a physical barrier to filter your drinking water.This is to make sure that it is safe to drink.If you choose this as a method to treat your well water, then you choose many kinds of water filtration systems. Find one that will suit you and your family’s needs.Some of the examples of a water filtration system are the under sink filtration system, a countertop water filter, faucet-attached water filter and a lot more.
The under sink water filters work best for many homes. The contaminants removed through reverse osmosis technique are now blocked by the under sink water filters. However, unlike the reverse osmosis systems, the under sink water filters does not produce any waste water. There are two kinds of under sink water filters. These are the simple and conventional filters.
The simple under sink water filters are called such because of its easy installation and not because of the system. When you install it, all of the cold water supply will focus through the filter. This system does not need to have a new faucet to bring the water. Instead, it delivers the water on the faucet that you are already using. Since the filter is connected to the line of the cold water, it cannot filter the hot water. The use of this system features ease of use. Instead of installing two different cold water faucets, you can have a simplified system.
Meanwhile, the conventional under sink water filter needs to divert the cold water via a connection. This can be through a plastic tube. After filtering the water, it will be sent to another faucet which is mounted on the sink. Only the water that reaches the faucet will be filtered. The hot and cold water that reaches the faucet is unfiltered. The use of the conventional under sink water filter last longer since it only filters part of the water. Also, it can be easily installed on any types of a plumbing system. Now, here are some of the benefits of the under sink water filters:
There are a lot of countertop water filters in the market today. This is a type of water filter which is cheap, and they offer good results. Also, it is compact and will not take much space compared to other water filter system. It is easy to install and efficient to use.
Furthermore, it requires low maintenance and stress-free priming. Though the countertop filter may seem simple, it actually employs a complex process. First, it features mechanical filtration. The water is being pushed through a filter with small pores.
Then, it will undergo a water softening process. Through ion exchange resins, it can be able to remove the magnesium and calcium in the water. Finally, the system will remove organic contaminants through activated carbon filtration. The final output is water free from herbicides, pesticides, and disinfectants. Meanwhile, this type of system can incorporate optional processes. Examples of which are KDF filtration, alkalization, silver filter, and remineralization.
The use of water softener brings various benefits apart from convenience. It affects the family budget and causes good results in family health care. Here are some more benefits of using water softeners:
Meanwhile, there are various kinds of a water softener. These are the following:
- Water Softeners A water softener is also a sort of a device used to reduce the hardness or the amount of the minerals of the water. Usually, sodium or potassium ions replace the calcium and the magnesium ion in the water. Those are one perceived to create the hardness of the water. - A Distillation System The distillation is a process where water with impurity undergo boiling. The steam is then collected and then condensed on a separate container. This process will remove and then leave a lot of solid contaminants behind.There are various ways to distilling the well water. Here are some of them:
- Disinfection Disinfection could either be a physical or a chemical process. This is where the pathogenic microorganisms become killed or deactivated. This is the process used by a lot of cities to clean their water supplies.The most common chemical disinfectants are ozone, chlorine dioxide and of course, chlorine. Physical disinfectants become utilized these days. They are heat, electronic radiation, and ultraviolet light.
Water chlorination is one of the many methods of disinfecting water. It deactivates the microorganisms by destroying its cell membrane. As soon as the cell membrane is weakened, the chlorine can enter the cell. Thereafter, it can disrupt the respiration plus DNA activity.
Chlorination can be done at any moment. Each point of chlorine can control a different area of concern. As such, it can offer a complete treatment as soon as the water enters the facility and leaves.
Now that you have educated yourself on well water safety and testing procedures call
Check out these great video that explains how often and what to test for!